Hello again.

So it looks like it’s been two years since I have moved my digital footsteps onto this website. There has still been a bit of traffic, but certainly not from me. Most significantly is probably the 52.899 comments I need to approve or rather disapprove because let us face it, it’s just spam. Even though I wish I would be real comments from people who had maybe missed these questionable blogs or whatever this is.
Why I haven’t been on here I don’t know. My other channels like Facebook and Instagram have been fairly busy and growing a lot, but coming onto this site again was a bit of a flashback. Even though when I see some of the videos I posted on here, it feels like it was yesterday I made them. But oh god a lot has happened since.

So what has happened? Well to start with, I’m older and I feel oh so much wiser for sure. Bike stuff, well I guess I have more speed on the bike and I like to think that I am a way better bike rider than I was two years ago. More stylish? hmm don’t know, but probably faster, even though it feels like a constant struggle to get back to 0 again every winter in Denmark. Which is also the reason why I am soon out of here for good. Well at least for a while, mountains are calling.
Riding wise I still don’t have that sensation of feeling like the bike is an extension of myself when on the gnarliest trails in the Alps, which really bugs me. Some part of me thought it would sort just click at some point and you would feel that. But I guess it is never just gonna feel perfect, which is so damn amazing about mountain biking, you can always improve and always give one percent more.
I really had some days this summer where it almost felt like me and the bike was one, and it was amazing. Everything was dialed for a week or so, full speed, everything worked perfectly, I placed the bike where I wanted, confidence was high and then it disappeared again, don’t know why. But that’s the thing, sometimes the smallest crash or weird thing can take your confidence right back to 0. So well we are getting there.

Most of all I am so much richer on experiences. Yeah that sounds so cliche but holy crap those last couple of summers has been amazing, like wow. It’s been absolutely wild, so amazing I can’t really describe exactly why or how. Well probably because of bikes, van life and some amazing people and events, but you know, there is always way more to the experience than that.

Biggest of all might be my switch to enduro. I feel it has motivated me to do better at the races because I actually feel like racing is fun again. And sometimes I can surprise myself with my riding and results. While in downhill I mostly felt like I left a lot of time out on the track which you simply cannot do, you need to be 110%. Where is enduro, well I guess it’s more acceptable to leave some time on the track because who the heck is going to ride a 15-minute perfect run? Not me, yet at least haha. I guess I feel more calculated on my enduro bike, I feel I am riding better. So I’m pretty excited for what the future brings.

So that was a bit of blabbing for tonight. I will try to get better at updating this site and get better at writing too because I think I need it haha.


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